Marketing Automation Ecommerce

eCommerce Marketing Automation and Email Workflows

By January 22, 2021September 28th, 2022No Comments
eCommerce Marketing Automation and Email Workflows

eCommerce marketing automation is among the best marketing drills you can adopt for your businesses. Consequently, from the riches of marketing automation, e-commerce email marketing becomes a worthy investment. Like promotional newsletters, e-commerce email marketing allows you to send business data-dependent customized emails. It comes in handy with some incredibly automated email workflows that harness the power of collected business data to send ideally customer-specific emails. This way you not only reach out to the most relevant audience but increase the chances of conversion. 

How Do Emails Work Applied to eCommerce Marketing Automation?

Automated emails are not a complicated endeavor; all you need is a reliable email service provider. Whenever a customer activates a set trigger, the email service provider will automatically send an appropriate email. For instance, whenever a customer submits an email address to sign up or subscribe to your online store, the ESP will automatically send a welcome email. Consequently, a specific customer gets a customized email relevant to their actions on your site. 

Effective Workflows to Keep in Mind

There is a good deal of credible email marketing automation workflows that you can adopt for your e-commerce. However, the following have been proven to deliver good results:

Welcome Emails

This is among the most effective workflows that contribute to positive responses to your marketing moves. Whenever a new customer signs up for a business endeavor, they expect to receive a welcome email. Moreover, the welcome email acts as a confirmation of their subscription or sign up. Welcome emails are known to perform way better than even promotional newsletters. 

Cart Recovery Emails

This is a follow-up workflow that seeks to remind your customers of forgotten or abandoned shopping carts. The workflow identifies the specific items that a customer put in the cart and sends an automated email to remind them. 

Order Follow-up Emails

Even after making a purchase, it’s necessary to keep in close contact with your customers. After all, you want them to keep coming for more. An order follow-up email is like a thank-you email that seeks to not only appreciate your customers but also to encourage them to keep buying from you. You can offer them a discount on their next buys, invite them to follow you on social media, make a recommendation, or simply say thank you. 

Re-activation Series

If your customers go silent for a long period, it is imperative to check on them. A reactivation series comes in handy to help you do this. It can be likened to a move to win lost customers back. Send moving messages such as “please come back, we want you back” or even send appealing offers and discounts. 


Email workflows are a critical part of eCommerce marketing automation. They are an important tool to send the right messages to your customers at the right time; an ideal way to keep your customers engaged. To learn more about marketing automation applied to eCommerce, or how to implement it in your business, contact us anytime.

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