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SMS/MMS Campaign Report

1 min read

To view the report for an individual messaging campaign, click the 3-dots and click Report from the dropdown.

This would open the detailed report with summary of important KPIs of the campaign and the detailed data about which contacts received, or clicked the SMS/MMS.

Definition of important metrics is given below:

Total Sent: Total recipients who were targeted.

Total Reach/ Delivered: Total recipients who got the email.

Total Unique Engaged Contacts: Total recipients who either opened or clicked, multiple events one recipient is counted as one.

Avg. Engagement Rate: Unique engaged recipients as a % of total sent.

Skipped: Total messages skipped or not sent by Factoreal because they were invalid. Count and % of total sent.

Filtered: Total messages filtered by the carrier with suspicion of spam. Count and % of total sent.

Failed: Total messages which the carrier could not deliver. Count and % of total sent.

Delivered: Total messages which the carrier has delivered. Count and % of total sent.

Clicked: Total clicks. Count and % of total sent.

Contact Activity

This report the details about the status of each message. Status of a specific recipient can also be searched using the search option.

There are 4 tabs:

All messages: Shows the status of each recipient’s message.


Clicked: Details of the clicks received.


Skipped: details of the messages skipped.


Failed: Details of messages failed.