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How to Setup Triggers & Deploy the Chatbot

1 min read

For instructions on customizing the Chatbot, please refer to – How to Customize Appearance of the Chatbot. You can define which webpage(s) the bot would function in. You can access the settings for bot triggers in the Triggers tab.


To set up triggers for bot operation, perform the following steps.

  1. In the Triggers section, you can select from a) Launch on every page & b) Launch on specific page(s). In case of the latter, you can specify the URL(s) in the field.
  2. For the appearance of the bot, you can select from – a) Persistent Button: The bot will be available as a button all the time. | b) Automatic Launch: The bot will start automatically on page(s) load. | c) Both: For this the bot will start automatically, as well as be available for use as a button on the page.
  3. If you want the bot to trigger if the user has performed a specific event, your can use the Advanced launch options. Here you can select the event in the respective field, on completion of which the bot would trigger.
  4. You can select timing for the bot launch between – a) A time period of delay after page load that you can set. & b) After a certain number of pixels (or percentage) of the page that the user scrolls through.
  5. You can also specify the Online Hours for the bot based on your time zone or the users’ time zone.
  6. If you want your bot to be available to specific users only based on certain characteristics, you can configure that in the Who section. Options include – Show to every ___ user(s)Maximum time to show per userMax times to show this conversation, location of the user and users’ device.
  7. Other than this, if you have segments of users for whom you want the bot to be available, you can configure settings for that in the right side section. Options include Exclude or Include users from selected segments and segmentation based on number of sessions of users.


These will give you the required flexibility to configure chatbot triggers.

How to Deploy the Bot on the Website

To deploy the bot on your website, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Deploy tab.
  2. Click Copy Script and add the script right below the header section of each page of your website. You can ask your developer to this for you if you want.
  3. If you have your website on any of the following CMS-s, you can ask your developer to implement according to the specifics of each platform.

After you have completed this, the Chatbot will be available on your website as per the configurations.